What you need to know about VAD

I recently asked a question in my VAD Support Group… I got some really great answers. It is one thing to have personally gone through everything that I have with my VAD and strokes, but it is quite another to hear from others what their VAD was like, how it happened, what the result was, etc. Since I have never …

Humboldt Bay 5K

I want to remind everyone to sign up for the Humboldt bay 5K in Eureka, August 13th and 3pm starting at 1st and C on the waterfront. It’s $25 to sign up and the first 100 participants will receive a VAD-ASS bandana. A portion of the proceeds will go to my charity, Tedy’s Team! Come out and run, walk, hop …

Artery Dissection and Chiropractors

I wanted to share this article that is going around the Artery Dissection community. This young woman saw a chiropractor, and after getting the standard neck manipulation, she suffered severe consequences. All 4 of her arteries were affected and she will never be the same. https://7news.com.au/news/world/young-woman-left-paralysed-after-visiting-chiropractor-for-neck-adjustment-c-7504963 There is a link to her GoFundMe account on the article. People don’t realize …


I just came out of my Covid fog. I finally got the virus. This is very scary for us who have had Artery Dissections. VAD can be caused by excessive coughing or vomiting, so getting something like Covid is a real danger for our community. I am fortunate to be quite healed since my VAD and Strokes, but I still …